Magla Dam, Jhelum, Punjab Pakistan


Mangla Dam, is an embankment dam on the Jhelum River near Jhelum, Pakistan. Mangla Dam, completed in 1967, is one of the principal systems in the Indus Basin Project (any other is Tarbela Dam).

When it turned into completed, the dam shape rose 453 ft (138 meters) above flood stage, was approximately 10, three hundred toes (3, hundred and forty meters) extensive at its crest, and had an extent of 85.5 million cubic yards (sixty-five. 4 million cubic meters). Along with its three small subsidiary dams, it had an initially established strength capability of at least 600 megawatts, which changed into improved to at least one,000 megawatts in the mid-1990s. Although its impounded reservoir initially had a gross ability of approximately 5.9 million acre-ft (approximately 7.3 billion cubic meters), the quantity of water impounded step by step faded because of silting. A five-yr mission, completed in 2009, raised the peak of the dam via 30 toes (nine meters), raising its garage potential to some 7.4 million acre-toes (nine.13 billion cubic metres).

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